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A Special Message from Antennas Direct to Victims of the CBS and Time Warner Debacle

The cable television big shots are at it again – another carriage dispute is dominating the headlines and unfairly punishing their viewers. The current standoff between Time Warner Cable and CBS has meant viewers in New York, Los Angeles, Dallas and 13 other states have been without some of their favorite programming for some time now.

What typically happens is this:
Cable and satellite companies began to charge customers for high-definition television (that is free over-the-air). The broadcasters then asked for a cut of the money that was being made on what is actually free. In an effort to negotiate a better rate, the cable company (in this case, Time Warner) blacks out the network television station.

It’s big names and big egos. In the end, no one wins.

And the biggest victim is you – American families who pop corn, pour sodas and watch your favorite mini-series like Under the Dome together. If you are one of the victims of this blackout, then know that you have been wronged.

The good news: it does not have to be this way. You don’t have to wait for the big shots to play their games. There is a way to get the programming you want to see without the monthly fee…all you need is an HD antenna.

Also, the picture and sound quality from an antenna far surpasses the compressed signal from your paid provider. So when you have your friends over to watch the Cowboys game (since it is blacked out on their TV), you will have a better image than ever.

The even better news: you don’t have to pay full price for a high quality HD antenna. We at Antennas Direct feel for the victims of this blackout. So, here’s what we want you to do:

1. Go to
2. Find the right antenna (use
3. Enter promo code “CBS20” – which saves you 20%.
4. Enjoy over-the-air HD television (without the added big shot egos.)

Now the only drama you will be watching is CSI: Crime Scene Investigation – not the local headlines.
