Results image of Cox solutions store

Cox Communication is Trying to Screw You Over

Cox Communication is currently in the process of transitioning to an all-digital cable system.  This requires what they are calling a Cox Mini Box. They even have a video on their website explaining what it means to go all-digital with a big fat “caution” to their customers stating “if you don’t make the change to those […]

Results image of performing arts Comedy/Tragedy masks

Dish and DirecTV: Save The Drama For Your Mama

Drama has its time and place. And it’s usually on TV right before the evening news. But do we want to invite drama into our real lives? Absolutely not. Unfortunately, for thousands of pay-TV subscribers around the country, life just got more dramatic. DirecTV and Dish Network providers are proving, yet again, that they have […]

Results image of Grinch, Mr.Dish

Thank you, Dish Network #StaytheCourse

Dear Mr. Dish: We know it’s Christmas and all, but you really didn’t need to do this. We were already experiencing record-breaking sales growth before you threatened to black out CBS nationwide. Now, we get to figure out how to get one of our antennas into the stockings of your 14 million former subscribers. In particular, we […]

Results image of Washington Post abusive cable company article

Our Not-So-Secret Love for Abusive Cable Companies

Secretly (or not-so-secretly), we love the fact that cable companies abuse their customers. It means more people make the decision to enjoy the unadulterated high-definition, over-the-air content we provide for free. But we especially love it when we have data to illustrate frustration. A recent survey discovered what we have known for years: most people […]

Results image of HBO host John Oliver

John Oliver Settles the Cable Company Monopoly Debate

On a recent episode of HBO’s Last Week Tonight, host John Oliver articulates the truth about the Comcast/Time Warner Cable merger, “You can’t reduce competition when nobody is competing. You could not be describing a monopoly more clearly if you were wearing a metal top hat while driving a metal car after winning second prize […]