Results image of satellite dish desperate moves

A Desperate Move By Cable Companies That Could Turn Ugly

Two new deals inked this week prove that momentum for streaming video services continues to build…That’s great news for consumers trying to save money by cutting the cord on cable. But not so great for cable companies like Comcast and Time Warner who just lost a combined 1.2 million subscribers. Ouch! Based on recent news, […]

Results image of evil man holding cable cord with lightning

When someone subscribes to Cable, a baby seal dies

Much love to the bunny huggers at the Mother Nature Network for the confirmation. NRDC: Cable boxes guzzle more energy than new refrigerators The electricity required to operate the 160 million cable boxes installed in U.S. households is equivalent to the annual household electricity consumption of the entire state of Maryland and is responsible for […]

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Comcast Continues To Lose Cable Customers

Comcast lost 39,000 cable television subscribers in the first quarter, a development likely to add fuel to the debate over  “cord cutting”. Comcast’s video subscriber count slipped to 22.76m, almost exactly matching that of Netflix, the DVD subscription and film streaming service, which has 22.8m US customers.

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Mistake Leaves Ohio Man With $16M Cable TV Charge

BEAVERCREEK — Lt. Daniel DeVirgilio is being charged more than $1 million per team to watch the Sweet 16 round of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament, according to a letter he received Wednesday from Time Warner Cable. The Beavercreek resident was informed that his credit card payment to Time Warner had been rejected for non-sufficient […]

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George Lucas Joins the Cable Wars

A recent time ago in a city not far, far away…. Star Wars’ creator and movie director George Lucas joined the “Cable Wars” by using an antenna from Antennas Direct, according to US Magazine. Lucas, who has been a technological pioneer, obviously has not changed his ways.  And no “cable mind tricks” can change that. […]

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Cable; Too Old to Keep Up With Youth

As new data becomes available on cord cutters, cable providers are quickly showing their age. Like an arthritic, blue haired old lady, they just can’t seem to keep with the youngsters and their new ways of receiving content, over-the-air and through broadband sources. In recent research from Horowitz Associates, it seems that young people are leading the […]

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No Matter the Numbers….Deny, Deny, Deny

We’ve come to the conclusion that cable CEO’s must really like golf, because they seem to be competing against each other to have the lowest number of subscribers possible at the end of each quarter. And just like every golfer’s “hero” Tiger Woods, they plan to Deny, Deny, Deny! “The first thing when that happens […]

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Fox and Cablevision Still Can’t Come to Terms

The Associated Press reports that Fox has rejected Cablevision’s latest offer to bring Cablevision subscribers Fox signals which includes the World Series broadcast. Cablevision is paying out $10 per customer who can not watch the World Series. Our advise would be to take that 10 bucks and put it towards an antenna. This way you […]