If you are thinking about cutting cable, but worried about where you will go to find your favorite shows look no further than this great post from lifehacker.com. This article goes through internet streaming sites such as Amazon Video on Demand, iTunes, HuluPlus, Netflix and Clicker.com showing what outlets publish which television shows and at what cost.
“… try and get at least a glimpse at what television would really cost if you went digital-only. So we compiled a list of popular shows in several different categories. The choosing was totally subjective, although we tried to keep an open mind about popular taste. We included online alternatives including Amazon Video on Demand, iTunes, Hulu and its $9.99/month Hulu Plus service, Netflix (in streaming form only), and network sites often accessible through a site like Clicker.com (and its neat apps on platforms like Boxee).”
View the full article and awesome chart this author put together on the lifehacker.com website here.
The comments on this post are also very interesting. Some found that it was easier than they expected to cut their Comcast since they didn’t even have a contract. One commenter said he is saving up to $120 per month by using an antenna — that’s $1,440 per year!
How much are you saving without your monthly cable bills?