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Large Gap Between FREE and Cable

While the blog article from Red Tape MSNBC titled “What does your neighbor pay for cable?” talks mostly about the price of cable boxes and DVR services, it seems like a majority of the readers are mostly upset about their high monthly bills and poor customer service from cable providers.

Article Money Quote:

1) Many consumers are getting killed in fees for second, third, and fourth set-top boxes. Consider paying for service only on the family TV, and use rabbit ears to pick up over-the-air HD channels on the other sets in the house. The savings can easily add up more than $500 per year. If you can’t imagine going without cable in the bedroom TV, scale back to basic boxes on your secondary sets and you’ll still save a bundle.

2) While we’re on the subject of rabbit ears, an increasing number of consumers are cutting pay TV service altogether, and using a combination of over-the-air signals and TV-over-Internet programming – using Netflix or, for example — to fill the void. You might still want to pay for service, particularly if you are a sports fan. But you can use the option of over-the-air TV as a bargaining chip to get a lower rate from your provider.

Comments Money Quote:

Turned the satellite service off after they told me it would a $75 service to re-align the satellite, i.e. I could receive no channels due to the dish not beingh properly aligned after 1 year of use. My wife and I enjoy the FREE air waves and watch far less boobtube anything. The major stations carry most major events so we do not miss much but we get a lot more time to do other things. Well worth it. From Dave in IN
