We Love PBS!
We talk about free TV a lot here—it’s kind of our thing—so it’s only right we take some time to talk about the Public Broadcasting Service, known lovingly across the United States as PBS. While many remember growing up on PBS, it’s actually been around a little less than 50 years. Nevertheless, if you’re considering […]

Save Money with Antennas Direct and Go on a Summer Trip!
Thinking about taking a well-earned break from it all? Do you find yourself restlessly clicking through all those bookmarks in your browser about how to save some extra cash? We’ve done the math, and the average monthly cable bill is currently at $100 or more. That isn’t just pocket change, this kind of monthly expense […]

The Mancave Reviews the ClearStream FUSION Amplified Outdoor TV Antenna
There are many things that make our latest TV antenna, the ClearStream FUSION™ Amplified Indoor/Outdoor Antenna, pretty special, but we’re not the only ones who are pointing out what this new antenna technology can deliver! Our friends down at the Mancave recently reviewed the ClearStream FUSION and had great things to say! First, they focused […]

The Royal Wedding is Here!
It’s no secret: Americans are obsessed with the British. Though we had messy points in our past (hello, 1776) we’ve put behind us, while 23 million Americans tuned in for the last royal wedding. And the numbers are expected to be similar for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding on Saturday, May 19th. Long before […]

Dads and Grads Giveaway 2018: Celebrate with Free TV!
Ah, Spring. With it comes beautiful weather, and the chaos of everything happening all at once. But with the chaos, let us not forget the reason behind the season, namely the excitement of all the graduates finally reaching the landmark they’ve worked so hard for, and celebrating the most important men in our lives, our […]

The Cord Cutting Report Reviews the ClearStream VIEW as One of the Best-Looking TV Antennas!
HDTV antennas are often woefully underrepresented in the world of entertainment as their more expensive counterparts, like cable, work to hog all of the attention. However, more and more people are realizing the value of using a TV antenna. There are powerful outdoor antennas, and easy-to-use indoor antennas, but until recently no one has considered […]

How to watch the 2018 Kentucky Derby
Put on your beautiful wide-brim hats and pour some mint juleps, it’s time for the Kentucky Derby again! This year is the 144th annual Run for the Roses, and will air on NBC Saturday, May 5th. As we’re sure you know, NBC is an over-the-air broadcast TV channel, and this means you can tune in […]

Get your Mom the Perfect Gift, the ClearStream VIEW Wall Frame Antenna!
Mother’s Day is coming up soon and you need to find the perfect gift. We all know the struggle between getting your mom something sweet vs. something she would actually use. How about this year you give her a gift that’s truly unique and meaningful, while also being incredibly practical? What is this perfect gift […]

How to watch the NFL Draft as a cord cutter
It’s the day football fans have been waiting for since the end of last season. The day when teams all across the league start selecting new talent to build their 2018 rosters. That’s right folks – we’re talking about draft day, and it’s just around the corner! Will the Colts trade down? Who will get two of […]

Learn everything you wanted to know about TV antennas!
Getting TV for free seems almost too good to be true, and a lot of people have wondered how it all works. How do TV antennas get signals? Why the switch to digital in 2009? How do you set up a TV antenna? What TV antenna is right for you? Look no farther! In an […]

It’s April: Almost Time to Rescan!
If you watch TV for free with an antenna, you’ll want to keep a watch on your channels changing frequency. By law, nearly 1,000 TV stations must change frequencies to make room for wireless services between 2018 and 2020. Phase one has already started, which means it may be time for you to rescan channels. […]

The Antenna Point App is Now Available for EVERYONE!
Our Antenna Point app has been around for a while, spreading joy and free TV wherever it’s downloaded, but not everyone was able to share in the fun. You see, it was only available for download on iOS devices, but not anymore! Now you can download Antenna Point on your Android smartphone or tablet. No […]