He Wants an Antenna, She Says They’re Ugly
It’s the age-old struggle when it comes to a relationship: one person wants something, and the other person has a reason, albeit usually a great reason (in their mind), why they don’t want it. So, what do you do? Sometimes you compromise, sometimes you argue, sometimes you go to therapy, and on occasion, you might […]

Golden Globes 2018: A Cord Cutters Guide to the HOTTEST Show
It’s a new year, which not only means New Year’s resolutions, it also means award show season is upon us. It might be a guilty pleasure or you might not be at all ashamed, either way, it’s time for the hottest celebs to gather in a beautiful mob of culture, wealth, and talent to receive […]

ClearStream View Antenna Review: Beauty and Power!
Cord cutting continues to grow, which is a trend we whole heartedly support! However, there’s no denying that many antennas are downright ugly. So there’s this struggle… do you pay out the wazoo for cable or get an ugly antenna and save thousands of dollars? Now there’s another option, the ClearStream VIEW amplified UHF/VHF indoor […]

Old Nerd Reviews the ClearStream FLEX Indoor HDTV Antenna
Our good friend and favorite nerd, Tony over at Old Nerd Reviews, took the time to test out another one of our products. This time, he covered our new ClearStream FLEX indoor HDTV antenna! Just by plugging in the FLEX and plopping it down by the window, he received over 30 channels, just like that! […]

The ClearStream VIEW™ Wall Frame Amplified Indoor TV Antenna
It’s an antenna that’s a wall frame! Powerful and stylish, multi-directional, UHF/VHF antenna If you thought we were done coming out with new antennas, you were wrong! We just can’t stop! We get inspired and continue our research and development on new, cool and AWESOME antennas made specifically for YOU. So, without further ado, meet […]

The Best Gear for Your Home Theater: The ClearStream Eclipse
Who doesn’t love watching a movie or favorite show on a big screen with surround sound? But face it, sometimes the theater isn’t the most enjoyable experience between screaming children, uncomfortable chairs and sticky floors. What if you could have a home theater system that blows all others out of the water? YOU CAN! Our […]

Old Nerd Reviews The ClearStream TV
You might read that title and think, “come on now, why are you making fun of the guy, calling him an Old Nerd? That’s not very nice!” It’s his name, we swear! And not only is it his name, but he’s our favorite Old Nerd. Tony over at Old Nerd Reviews is an influencer, Advocate, […]

Katie Linendoll’s Holiday Gifts To Have Everyone Saying “Yes, Please!” Featuring ClearStream TV
Katie Linendoll is the cute, nerdy girl who would be your ideal best friend. But then she takes off her glasses and BOOM, she’s the hot chick all the guys on the football team are drooling over. Regardless, Katie knows her technology and is on top of the game when it comes to new products, […]

The ClearStream TV Now Features Recording!
The ClearStream TV Now Features Recording! Record and Then Watch Your Favorite Broadcast TV Shows, ANYWHERE! We want the ClearStream TV viewing experience to be the best ever, so we’ve added a new feature to RECORD live TV! Now you can record your favorite live broadcast TV shows and watch them later using your iOS, […]

The Cord Cutter’s Definitive List of Holiday Movies and Shows
The holiday season is upon us, and so are all our favorite childhood movies, and new shows to discover for the holidays! As a cord cutter, you don’t have to stress about emptying your wallet to enjoy holiday TV shows. In fact, there is an extensive list of shows you can enjoy just with your […]

Cord Cutters News Interview With Antennas Direct President, Richard Schneider
Luke Bouma at Cord Cutters News is the ultimate cord cutting detective, finding you the best deals, products and hints of the latest news before anyone else. He was the first to break the news about our ClearStream TV, his investigative skills are the best, the FBI might soon recruit his services! Richard Schneider, our […]

Mr. Muscleman of Technology’s ClearStream FLEX Review on KUSI News
On Halloween, one of the most wonderful holidays of the year (candy and costumes, duh), Carlos Amezcua reviewed the ClearStream FLEX with Sure Grip on KUSI News with Bruce Pechman. Pechman, also fondly known as Mr. Muscleman of Technology, went over six “brilliant inventions you can’t live without” as he called them, of course including […]