Who Needs Cable or Satellite? Not St. Louis!
As a St. Louis based company, we’re always thrilled to get a little love from the local media. Debra Bass with the St. Louis Post Dispatch came out to the Antennas Direct office last week and spent time with our brilliant leader, Richard Schneider. They discussed advanced technology, and the TV channels available here in […]

Consumer Reports: Now’s The Time for a TV Antenna
Consumer Reports is an extremely well known, unbiased product ratings, reviews and public education organization. They put products through intense testing, and they don’t hold back their thoughts, which is GREAT for you. Their latest push is one that we can most certainly get behind… it’s time to get a TV antenna! James Willcox with […]

Watching the NFL Preseason without a Cable Contract
Every football fan gets excited for the NFL Preseason. This is not just because it is the first time we’ve been able to watch high intensity football since the Super Bowl, but also because it offers a glimpse into your favorite team’s upcoming season. This is the first time you’ll get to see any new […]

The Wall Street Journal and Millennials Love Free TV: The Discovery of the TV Antenna
For years we have heard, “is this legal, what you’re doing? Can we really get TV for free? We don’t have to pay for broadcast TV? WHY?!” Well TV antennas are finally getting the recognition they deserve! The technology may be considered retro, but the results are oh so brilliant. HDTV antennas are making a […]

ClearStream TV: Watch and Record Live Broadcast TV Shows!
We have a BIG announcement, and we’ve been keeping this secret for much too long. We hate keeping secrets from you, but this one is just so juicy, we had to wait! So, here it is. Our NEW PRODUCT! It’s not just any new product; we’re bringing you a cord-cutters dream starting August 7th, 2017. […]

Cutting the Cord: Options for Watching TV Service without Cable
If you’ve had any questions about cutting the cord or streaming, Bruce Pechman is your guy. He’s not only ridiculously fit and the person we would want on our side in a bar fight, but also a tech genius who is happy to share the hottest new products. Mr. Muscleman of Technology was on KUSI’s […]

Antennas Direct Investigates Charter’s Spectrum TV Outage Crime Scene
You know what’s worse than breaking one heart? Try breaking 60,000 customers hearts who spend their hard-earned money on cable services. At Antennas Direct, we pride ourselves on providing customers with the best programming from local broadcasters with a TV antenna and consistent service without a monthly fee. Unfortunately, Spectrum customers can’t be promised the […]

Do You Still Need Internet When You Cut the Cord?
You’ve finally made the decision to cut the cord. It’s an exciting decision because you’ve realized that you’re going to end up saving a lot of money. Once you’ve called and cancelled your cable, the next logical step you might think of would be to ask whether or not you need your Internet service. The […]

5 Reasons Why Antennas Are Still Relevant in 2017
It’s safe to say in a streaming society that HDTV antennas are making a comeback. People might not think of an antenna as something that is relevant or necessary in 2017, but they would be wrong. Gone are the days of the aluminum foil rabbit ears. Antennas these days are sleek, powerful, and necessary for […]

The Right Indoor Antenna Can Make ALL The Difference
We often recommend to people who are new to cutting the cord or who might be a little uncertain about installing a TV antenna to give an indoor antenna a shot. That way they can get a grasp on the concept of over-the-air television and using an TV antenna without jumping through the hoops of […]

Antennas Direct TV Antennas Cause Spontaneous Happy Dances
We love hearing from happy customers. It’s one of our favorite things, right up there with the money we save by cutting the cord and cake. Cake is pretty nice. We recently received this letter from a happy customer who has gone above and beyond being an average cord cutter to now being a cord […]

The Mad Hermit Reviews the NEW 2MAX TV Antenna
If you’ve been eyeing the new MAX series of TV antennas, here’s a great video review of the 2MAX by The Mad Hermit. What better way to truly SEE the impact of the new antenna than with a video, right? Antenna installation has gotten even easier with our MAX antennas. Mark takes you step by […]