It’s Official, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler Has Horrible Judgment, Recommends the Charter-TWC Merger
Now, it’s not too surprising that the FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler recommended that the commission approve Charter Communications’ plan to buy Time Warner Cable, but we were hoping that maybe he would come to his senses and realize just how STUPID that would be. We were wrong. Anyone who thinks this is a good idea […]

Sling TV Introduces Multi-Stream Service Including Hit Shows and Local Sports
As cord cutters, we still want to enjoy our sports. And since our hometown is St. Louis, we want to enjoy the Cardinal’s game. When games are broadcast OTA, we are happy campers, and thanks to Sling TV, we are soon to be completely set! Just last week, Sling TV announced the launch of a […]

Man Killed Over Cable Television
Well, a more accurate title would be “Woman Murders Ex-Boyfriend for Not Paying Cable Bill”. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen. You read that correctly. In today’s “sounds too crazy to be true” news story, a woman murders her ex-boyfriend for not paying the cable bill. Let us explain. Chamia Johnson, 34, pleads not guilty last […]

Can I Watch Major League Baseball with an Antenna?
Its springtime, which means not only are flowers blooming, but bats are cracking, and the 2016 MLB season is underway. And for many of us, that means trying to figure out how to get as much baseball coverage as possible without signing an expensive cable contract we can’t get rid of. Luckily, it’s 2016 and […]

Tom’s Guide Names the ClearStream Eclipse the Best Antenna Design
Tom’s Guide recently released their list of Best Indoor HDTV Antennas of 2016, and we are excited that our ClearStream Eclipse Amplified antenna was named the Best Antenna Design! It received an 8/10 rating, and was praised for the unique design. The geniuses over at Tom’s Guide know what they’re talking about! “One of the […]

TBS Proves that Cord Cutting Continues to Rise
If you’re a sports fan, when you think of March, you think of basketball and March Madness. Year after year, our inboxes are flooded with invites to brackets, friends asking us over to drink, and watch the game and fights erupting between die hard college basketball fans. However, it appears that this year, the NCAA […]

Ding dong the Witch is dead, but since you have an antenna, you’re not!
Spring is a truly wonderful season. Daylight savings is finally here, the temperatures begin to rise, and beautiful flowers are blooming all around us. But along with all that beauty and positivity come spring storms (and allergies). Depending on your location, these storms can be pretty vicious. Picture this: a massive storm is headed your […]

Baseball Season is Here, Now Enter to Win Some Great Prizes!
We love springtime for many reasons. Obviously, we enjoy the warmer weather and not needing to bundle up like an Eskimo just to run inside the store for a carton of milk. But the warmer weather also brings us the delicious grilling season, beautiful flowers and the wonderful sounds of the ballpark. For us, the […]

Power and Poise: Tom’s Guide Review of the ClearStream Eclipse Indoor Antenna
If you’re looking for a techie review of a new gadget or app, Tom’s Guide is the best place to visit. They call themselves “the geeky friend who’s always on call…we’re here to provide you with buying advice, in-depth reviews and expert recommendations in a wide variety of tech product categories.” No need to search […]

Mr. Muscleman Sings His Praise for Antennas Direct, and You Don’t Want to Mess with Him…
Bruce Pechman, the Muscleman of Technology, shares his tips with KUSI San Diego on how to save money by cutting the cord. If you don’t know Mr. Muscle Man, check out his website, he’s not only hilarious and an excellent resource when it comes to not only technology, but he’s also a fitness guru. I […]

Antenna CEO Amazed by Company Market Penetration with Virtually No Paid Advertising
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Antenna CEO amazed by company market penetration with virtually no paid advertising March 15, 2016; ST. LOUIS – In a recent survey released by Nielsen, households who solely use an over-the-air antenna to watch broadcast television rose in the third quarter to 12.8 million from 12.2 million the year before. That’s 600,000 […]

Spring TV Guide for Cord Cutters
Eight of the biggest television moments of the first half of the year are on the horizon and the good news is that cable or not, no one will have to miss any of them. A lot of people worry about cutting the cord. The good news is that as more people take the leap […]