Cox Communication is Trying to Screw You Over
Cox Communication is currently in the process of transitioning to an all-digital cable system. This requires what they are calling a Cox Mini Box. They even have a video on their website explaining what it means to go all-digital with a big fat “caution” to their customers stating “if you don’t make the change to those […]

Denver Eclipse Love from AskDaveTaylor.com
We have to admit, we love Denver. The city, the people, the atmosphere. It’s a cool place and we always have a great time when we visit. We recently got back from our latest #ADBusTour, where we had a giveaway stop in Denver at the Pepsi Center. Our #ADBusTour stop inspired Denver native Steve Oatney, […]

The Cord Cutters Guide to Holiday TV and Movies
Now that we’ve entered December, the holiday season is well underway! A common misconception people have when they cut the cord is that they have to give up the holiday TV shows, movies and specials they have grown to love over the years. We’re here to tell you this is not the case! In fact, […]

Thousands of Americans Liberated from Pay-TV During the TV Liberation Bus Tour
Last month we embarked on a multicity Broadcast TV Liberation Tour, taking our shiny Antennas Direct bus back on the road to bring American’s the free local television they deserve. More than 2,000 Americans received free TV antennas at our tour stops in Albuquerque, Denver, Rapid City, Sioux Falls and Oklahoma City. With the use […]

Indoor vs. Outdoor TV Antennas
Are you looking for an easy solution to cut the cord and say good-bye to monthly cable bills? Perhaps you are interested in adding a TV to a second location and you can’t stomach feeding the cable monster more dollars. A TV antenna is the quick and easy solution to FREE TV, but which antenna […]

#ADBusTour Liberates Over 400 at the National Weather Festival
Surrounded by storm chasing helicopters, vehicles and the latest weather coverage technology, the Broadcast TV Liberation Tour rolled into the National Weather Festival on the campus of the University of Oklahoma in Norman. With hundreds awaiting free access to their favorite television, Antennas Direct, in partnership with TVFreedom.org and News 9 liberated over 400 festival […]

Not Rain, Nor Wind, Nor Cold Can Keep Over 500 South Dakotans from Free Broadcast TV
Dawn arrives to the entrance of the KELOLAND-TV station at 10 PM – long before the other crowds. She huddles under the canopy in front of the foyer with a folding chair and blanket. Although Dawn knows she would be waiting for hours, she also knows the wait was worth it. The rain began to […]

#ADBusTour Delivers Bigger Smiles to 400 Rapid City Residents
Right at the entrance to the Black Hills of South Dakota is Rapid City, a small municipality that authentically cares deeply about what holds its community together. The local businesses thrive to create a unique downtown. Local high school sports are headline grabbers. And the local TV reporters who deliver news into the living rooms become […]

The Takeaway Interviews Richard Schneider on Exponential Growth of Antennas
Yesterday, our new Broadcast TV Liberation Tour road-tripping president, Richard Schneider, was interviewed on PRI’s The Takeaway about the booming growth of digital TV antennas. He was able to frame the importance of over-the-air television and its role in the lives of all TV lovers – across ages and demographics. “Over-the-air broadcast is the new […]

#ADBusTour Liberates Over 400 Denver TV Lovers
The good ol’ Western movies always knew how to set the drama of a showdown. In the main street, tumbleweeds, high noon. As kids, we watched them huddled in the living room in the glow of broadcast TV. At noon yesterday, we hosted our own Western Showdown at the Pepsi Center in downtown Denver, Colorado. […]

More than 400 New Mexicans Liberated on the #ADBusTour
The East Canyon gusty winds (with 50 to 60 MPH gusts) could not keep an estimated 2000 New Mexicans from showing up for the chance to receive free over-the-air television. In partnership with TV Freedom and KOB-TV, Antennas Direct gave away just over 400 of the ClearStream 2V antennas at the American Home Furniture in […]

#ADBusTour Kicks Off Another TV Liberation Tour in New Mexico
New Mexico is said to be the Land of Enchantment. It is home to the world’s largest enchiladas, international hot air balloon festivals and, of course, Breaking Bad’s Walter White. And soon, it will be home to 400 liberated New Mexicans when the Broadcast TV Liberation Tour rolls into Albuquerque on Friday, October 16 to […]