For the third time in less than a year, and only one month after the last eclipse, tomorrow we will experience a Lunar Eclipse. On April 4th, beginning at 3:16 AM Pacific Daylight Time, sky watchers in the United States will be able to witness a total eclipse of the moon. The Moon will be in “totality” when the Moon is fully inside of the Earth’s shadow, causing a red Moon. To see the red Moon firsthand, be sure to be outside no later than 4:58 AM PDT.
Clearly, the universe is trying to tell us something with all of these eclipses. It’s saying, “It’s time to do more than just black out the moon. It’s time to black out cable with the Antennas Direct Eclipse.” Thanks, Universe! We couldn’t have said it any better ourselves.
Are you ready to take that step and black out cable? The Eclipse TV antenna gives you TV for free, the way it should be. Even better, the Eclipse is simple to install, there are no monthly bills and you will get pure, HD television. You can read more about the Eclipse and how we harnessed the strongest over-the-air technology in the universe to create this amazing antenna HERE.
The next total eclipse may not be until September 28th, but you can experience the Antennas Direct Eclipse everyday!
photo credit: 2014 BLOODMOON 2 : The Sequel via photopin (license)